31 May 2024 - Agora Red Rock Challenge 2024 Mach mit bei der aufregenden Agora Red Rock Challenge – Jetzt anmelden!

Liebe Athleten, Die Anmeldung für die Agora Red Rock Challenge ist jetzt geöffnet! Sichert euch euren Platz in diesem unvergesslichen Abenteuer, indem ihr euch hier registriert. Bereitet euch auf ein aufregendes Outdoor-Abenteuer vor! Die Agora Red Rock Challenge erwartet euch und bietet die perfekte Gelegenheit, eure Grenzen in der atemberaubenden Region der roten Erde zu testen. Egal, ob ihr erfahrene Athleten oder Freizeit-Outdoor-Enthusiasten seid, dieses Event verspricht Spannu...

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03 November 2023 - Agora Red Rock Challenge 2023 // Pictures – Bilder – Photos

Liebe Teilnehmer, Bitte entdecken Sie die Bilder dieser 11. Ausgabe von unseren großartigen Fotografen. Fühlen Sie sich frei, Ihre Bilder herunterzuladen und zu teilen! Bitte erwähnen oder markieren Sie Red Rock Challenge, wenn Sie es in den sozialen Medien teilen! Das Red Rock Challenge Team 7th October / X-DUATHLON & TRAIL RUNNING Cross Duathlon single (21,2km/9,6km/18,2km) & Cross Duathlon t...

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31 August 2023 - Agora Red Rock Challenge 2023 Tauche ein in die fesselnde Agora Red Rock Challenge – Jetzt anmelden!

Die Anmeldungen sind jetzt geöffnet Liebe Sportfreunde, Die Aufregung ist spürbar! Die Anmeldung für die Agora Red Rock Challenge 2023 ist nun eröffnet!Sichere dir deinen Startplatz, indem du dich über folgenden Link registrierst:  rr-challenge.lu/register-de Mache dich bereit, die atemberaubenden Landschaften der Minett-Region während der Agora Red Rock Challenge zu erobern! Egal, ob du ein erfahrener Athlet oder ein begeisterter Naturfreund bist – dies ist deine Gelegenheit, deine Gren...

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24 October 2022 - Agora Red Rock Challenge 2022 // Pictures – Bilder – Photos

Dear participants Please find out the pictures of the 10 years anniversary edition from different photographers (Blink Blink Studio, Leonard Ciarán and Joël Schadeck) & our latest after-movie clip from SHINE. Enjoy, download, and share your pictures! Your Red Rock Challenge Team Chers participants Veuillez-trouver les dernières images de notre édition anniversaire prises par différents photographes (Blink Blink Studio, Leonard Ciarán et Joël Schadeck) & notre after-movie réalisé par ...

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17 hours ago

Hi guys, Once again, it was time for a next #afterworkbikerides tour. We started our ride in Schifflange under the best summer conditions... During the warm-up round over the hill of Schifflange, we practiced some braking exercises to explore the limits of the front brake while maintaining proper posture on the bike. After that, we worked on controlled entry into steeper descents. Following the warm-up, we returned to the start of the tour, refilled our water bottles at the free bike wash station, put on our protectors for the rest of the ride, and fixed a flat tire. While fixing the flat, we talked abaout: air pressure, tire inserts, tubeless setups, tire characteristics, and braking pads. Once we were ready to go again, we rode together to the spot "Little Utah" in the "Lallénger Bierg" nature reserve and tested some lines. The sections got steeper and rockier, with smaller and larger drops, offering something for everyone. Unfortunately, in the excitement, we forgot to take a group picture to share satisfied faces with you. If you have any ideas for the next #afterworkbikeride, let us know. #afterworkbikerides #agoraredrockchallenge #letsmakeithappen #discoverredrockregion #guidedtours #mountainbike #visitluxembourg

5 days ago

Gravel We couldn’t ignore the gravel boom and have thought about how to offer gravel routes alongside mountain biking. For this edition, we will suggest 3 gravel routes with the following distances: Gravel 32 km > 390 meters elevation gain Gravel 65 km > 780 meters elevation gain Gravel 95 km > 1.160 meters elevation gain At the start, we will distribute the GPX files so that participants can embark on the routes without stress. However, please note that the gravel routes differ from the marked mountain bike routes. We will send the GPX files in good time via our newsletter ( https://rr-challenge.lu/en/) and post them on our social media channels. So remember to sign up for the newsletter in advance! #agoraredrockchallenge #visitminett #visitluxembourg #gravel

1 week ago

Hi, Yesterday was #afterworkbikerides day again, and a newcomer joined the group... and for the first time, there were as many women as men riding. Since the group consisted of well-known #afterworkbikerides participants and the route was mostly familiar, we were able to ride through the X-Duathlon course at a brisk pace. In the area of Minettpark in Fond de Gras, we came across another group with whom we had a brief chat, and as usual, the tour ended on a terrace in summer temperatures to let the evening wind down... #afterworkbikerides #agoraredrockchallenge #letsmakeithappen #discoverredrockregion #guidedtours #mountainbike #visitluxembourg

2 weeks ago

What is an Endurando? An Endurando is a tour designed for enduro riding, meaning the tour is more technically demanding. The south of Luxembourg is actually an excellent playground for mountain biking of all levels. Here, it's very easy to adjust the level of difficulty to suit different skill levels. In any case, there were many trail treats included in the program again, and participants could look forward to many delights... A big thanks to the local trail builders. #afterworkbikerides #agoraredrockchallenge #letsmakeithappen #discoverredrockregion #guidedtours #mountainbike #visitluxembourg

2 weeks ago

3 weeks ago

Hello everyone, Last Thursday morning, the weather forecasts didn't look promising, but the day turned out splendidly, allowing us to enjoy our tour in mild summer temperatures. Together, we decided to plan the tour to include a good mix of trails we don't ride often, trails that are just pure fun, and some very challenging uphills... Of course, we had to dismount a few times because there were still some trees blocking the way, which is normal after the recent storm... but it was manageable. All in all, we had a lot of fun and enjoyed riding together as a group! #afterworkbikerides #agoraredrockchallenge #letsmakeithappen #discoverredrockregion #guidedtours #mountainbike #visitluxembourg

4 weeks ago

Hi guys, Finally, summer has arrived, and we can once again enjoy an after-work ride in pleasant temperatures.😎🤙 Perhaps it was also due to the warm temperatures that several bikers were out again, riding towards the sunset... ☀️ This time, there was no need to immediately wash the bike at one of the many convenient wash stations after the ride.💦🚲 #afterworkbikerides #agoraredrockchallenge #letsmakeithappen #discoverredrockregion #guidedtours #mountainbike #visitluxembourg 📸: JeanClaude Nurenberg



Hi guys,
Once again, it was time for a next #afterworkbikerides tour. 

We started our ride in Schifflange under the best summer conditions...
During the warm-up round over the hill of Schifflange, we practiced some braking exercises to explore the limits of the front brake while maintaining proper posture on the bike.

After that, we worked on controlled entry into steeper descents. 

Following the warm-up, we returned to the start of the tour, refilled our water bottles at the free bike wash station, put on our protectors for the rest of the ride, and fixed a flat tire. 

While fixing the flat, we talked abaout: air pressure, tire inserts, tubeless setups, tire characteristics, and braking pads.

Once we were ready to go again, we rode together to the spot « Little Utah » in the « Lallénger Bierg » nature reserve and tested some lines. 
The sections got steeper and rockier, with smaller and larger drops, offering something for everyone. 

Unfortunately, in the excitement, we forgot to take a group picture to share satisfied faces with you. 

If you have any ideas for the next #afterworkbikerides, let us know.

#afterworkbikerides // Schifflange // technical ride // Level 2-3

When: Thuersday 25th of July at 18:00

Where: Schifflange

Start and finishing Point: Terrain Jean Jacoby (49°30’03.4 »N 6°00’15.3 »E)

Duration: about 2 hours

Style: Mountain bike // technical ride // Difficulty Level: 2-3*
*Level legend:
1= Easy (Beginner)
2= Medium (Regular biker, MTB: parts of Marathon track & X-Duathlon track)
3= Difficult (Technical skills, roots, jumps, steep uphill, in case of ENDURO: protections recommended)

(Appropriate e-bikes are always allowed for each style and level)

Disclaimer: Ride on your own risk!

The responsibility for those rides lies entirely with the participant, Agora Red Rock Challenge cannot be made liable for any damage caused.

Don’t forget to check your bike before the start and have a spare tube with you.

Headlamp can be useful depending the season!

Main goal: FUN & EXCHANGE

We are group of friends who share the passion for fun rides in the Southern Region. Afterwork Rides offers to everyone periodical guided bike tours.

The rides have different disciplines: Enduro, Cross country, Road bike and E-bike.

We respect nature, stay on tracks, don’t throw garbage into the nature and respect other people on the tracks.

In case of bad weather conditions, we will cancel the ride.

By participating in our rides, you allow us to use pictures/videos representing you or your friends for promotional aims. This is not an organised mass event like the Agora Red Rock Challenge.

Help us to promote the Red Rock Region

Do you have any questions?
Please send us a message through Facebook.

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