Red Rock Challenge 2018 // We are looking for volunteers


Dear volunteer,

The Red Rock Challenge asbl is looking for volunteers witch like to support its team on the event weekend from 5 th to 7 th of October.

As for the previous 5 editions, the 6th edition of the Asport Red Rock Challenge, the ultimate goal is
to promote the Southern region and its tourism and cultural heritage through sports.

Thus the activities offered by the Asport Red Rock Challenge attract mountain bikers, du-athletes, urban cyclo-crossers and trail runners.

To make this ever-growing event a success, the Red Rock Challenge asbl requires the support of more and more volunteers to ensure that quality services are rendered to all participants and partners on this unique event, where you the volunteer will not only support an event but also a whole region.

We need reinforcement in the following areas and tasks:

  1. On the main site of the event (bibs, cloakroom, etc …)
  2. On courses (safety stations (crossings), refreshment points, X-Duathlon transition zone, etc …)
  3. Marking of the tracks etc…
  4. Supporting the organizing team during the year

We, the members of the Red Rock Challenge asbl hope that you join our team to support us with
your experience and expertise.

Are you interested, then do not hesitate and return the duly completed volunteer form to us on our
email address:

Form to Become a Volunteer [PDF]

In order to thank each end every helping hand for their time and effort, each volunteer is allowed to participate in one of our races or tour for free.

We thank you in advance for your support and are looking forward to welcome you in our team

The Red Rock Challenge asbl Team